I am grateful

First of all, as you can tell by my lack of “content", I am not an active “content creator” or social media fan. I like to think that I only post things that people might want to read, that they might find interesting or what will put a spring in their step. And honestly, I really don’t think I am that interesting. I am also not a very mushy (Coleman speak for emotional) bloke, but with the negativity constantly swirling each of us, I thought a bit of positivity and gratitude was on the menu.

Living the dream.

Anyone who knows me, knows that when you ask me how I am, you will almost always get a similar response, typically, “top of the world” or “living the dream” with a smile on my face. As I write this, I actually kind of hate myself and only now realise how corny that probably sounds, particularly to people who don’t know me very well. I might have to think of a new and improved response, but the sentiment remains - I am living the dream.

My work dream was to spend my work time with fun and inspiring people with the added perk of helping them to make wise decisions when buying spectacular property. You know what? That is precisely what I do. Everyday. Also, most of these “fun and inspiring people” who are my clients, I am proud to call friends.

My family dream was to have flexibility with ALL my time and the ability to be as present as possible, as often as possible with my beautiful wife, Nicole and my baby boy, Ben. Now, I work from home, and I control my own hours to ensure this dream. It is a rare occasion (less than half a dozen times in the last 18 months) where I am not home to cook dinner, bath my son, help with the bedtime routine, and read stories to Ben before bed. Even more rare that I am not able to make my Wife her morning coffee (this is an important one - happy wife, happy life).

When I started BuyWise in the middle of the pandemic with a newborn baby, the decision was difficult and scary and didn’t make much sense at the time, but you know what? I have been blessed. I have chosen that word carefully, because It’s not luck, I have been blessed. Blessed with a wonderful and supportive wife, blessed with a beautiful, healthy, and hilarious baby boy, blessed with a supportive family, blessed with brilliant friends who challenge and encourage me and also blessed with incredible clients that trust me.

I want my brand to be more than, “Josh is good at buying property and an okay bloke”. I want my brand to be “Josh is a top bloke who is honest and takes care of my needs, even at the expense of his own, who is ALSO great at buying property". My business is about fairness and giving more than I get and without all the red tape - a business based on trust.

Now this has all got a bit mushy, but in short, I want to say a huge Thank you to my God, my wife and son, my family, my friends and my clients for helping me to live my dream.



Mum was right, patience is a virtue