We don’t sell property, but we can help. A lot.

Here’s how

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Vendor Advocacy

<— Ouch, that looks painful. Well it can be, but we’re good at it because we’re typically on the other side, so we know who the best Agents are and what makes a successful sales campaign. Vendor Advocacy is when we help you (the seller) to: decide when and how to sell, select the best selling agent and negotiate their commission, decide on the most appropriate marketing campaign, and consider all offers. We can also manage the progress of the campaign from start to finish and be your sounding board throughout the process. We essentially stand between you and the Real Estate Agent as an independent third party.

This service involves a paid consultation at the beginning of the engagement, then you can decide how much help you need. Every engagement is different, so we will prepare our recommendations just for you, along with a simple fee proposal for your consideration.


Property Partner - Seller 

Sometimes you just need someone to call and be your sounding board - that’s us. If you have any questions, before, or during your sales campaign we are here to help. We will only act in your best interest and will give you the truth, even if it’s not what you want to hear - always. This service affords you simple and easy access to our principal to pick up the phone, shoot an email or text with a question and get a professional, honest answer in response. You could ask: “Is this a fair commission structure?” “The marketing budget is $10,000 do you think that is appropriate?” “Do you think I should accept this offer?”" “The buyer has requested a $20,000 reduction based on the building and pest, what do I do?” No more guessing or unnecessary risk taking, we are in your corner and only your corner.

After an initial face-to-face consult, this is a digital service, paid monthly.